New Build Insulation

The importance of proper insulation for new builds cannot be overstated. Whether constructing a house or a commercial building, insulation serves as the backbone of an energy-efficient, comfortable, and eco-friendly structure. As we transition into an era where sustainable living and reduced carbon footprints have taken centre stage, new build insulation has evolved from being a mere statutory requirement to a strategic choice that yields long-term benefits.

In the UK, a region known for its fluctuating temperatures and cold winters, insulation is particularly critical. The right insulation solution not only ensures that interiors remain warm in the winter and cool in the summer but also significantly reduces the reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems. This translates to lower energy bills, reduced carbon emissions, and a healthier living environment.

Furthermore, as construction methodologies and materials advance, the choices in insulation have expanded, each offering unique advantages and tailored solutions for different types of buildings. From traditional options like fibreglass and mineral wool to modern innovations like spray foam, there’s an array of solutions to fit every need.

This guide aims to provide an in-depth look into the world of new build insulation, its significance in contemporary construction, and the pivotal role it plays in shaping the future of sustainable living in the UK. Whether you’re a builder, homeowner, or simply someone interested in the dynamics of modern construction, read on to discover the transformative impact of effective insulation.

New build insulation

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New Build Insulation Regulations

Navigating the maze of building regulations can be complex, but when it comes to insulation for new builds in the UK, understanding the rules is paramount. The importance of these regulations isn’t merely about compliance, but it centres on ensuring the constructed buildings are energy-efficient, safe, and provide long-term comfort for occupants.

The Regulatory Context

New build insulation regulations are largely informed by the UK Building Regulations, specifically Part L which deals with the conservation of fuel and power. These regulations exist to ensure that new constructions meet certain energy performance criteria, making them less costly to run and more environmentally friendly.

Current Requirements

As of the latest amendments, there are distinct criteria based on the type of construction:

  • For Houses: The regulations stipulate specific U-values (a measure of how effective a building material is as an insulator) for walls, roofs, floors, and windows. For walls, the maximum U-value currently allowed is 0.3 W/m2K, which means any new build or extension must achieve this standard or better. The values differ for roofs and floors, ensuring each part of a house is suitably insulated to prevent excessive heat loss.
  • For Commercial Buildings: Commercial structures might have varying requirements based on their intended use. However, they generally must adhere to stringent standards, especially if they’re large and will consume significant amounts of energy.

Insulation and Air Tightness

Modern building regulations don’t just focus on insulation; they also emphasise the importance of air tightness. A well-insulated building that isn’t air-tight will still lose heat, undermining the effectiveness of the insulation. Therefore, airtightness tests are commonly required to ensure that new builds aren’t leaking energy.

Evolving Standards

It’s crucial to note that insulation regulations are subject to change as the UK government aims for more ambitious carbon reduction targets. For instance, the introduction of the Future Homes Standard aims to ensure that all new builds are “net-zero ready” by 2025. This means stricter regulations are on the horizon, and builders, as well as homeowners, must be prepared to adapt.

Regional Variations

While UK Building Regulations provide a general framework, there can be variations depending on the region. For instance, Scotland, with its distinct climatic conditions, might have slightly different requirements compared to England or Wales.

Beyond Statutory Requirements

While meeting the statutory requirements is non-negotiable, many constructors and homeowners are now going beyond. With the growing awareness of climate change and the benefits of energy efficiency, many are choosing insulation solutions that exceed the current regulations, future-proofing their buildings against probable stricter regulations in the coming years.

Understanding and adhering to new build insulation regulations is crucial for compliance, energy savings, and environmental responsibility. With the UK’s commitment to carbon neutrality and the continual evolution of building standards, it’s essential to stay informed and make choices that are not just about the present but are also in line with future sustainability goals.

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Benefits of New Build Insulation

Insulating a new build property from the get-go offers a myriad of advantages, from monetary savings to environmental conservation. Let’s explore the numerous benefits you can reap from effectively insulating your new home, particularly with spray foam insulation.

Superior Energy Efficiency

The foremost benefit of insulation is the remarkable increase in your home’s energy efficiency. Insulation keeps the warm air in during the winter and out during the summer, leading to a significant reduction in the reliance on heating and cooling systems. Spray foam insulation, in particular, is known to deliver up to 50% greater energy savings compared to other insulation products.

Cost Savings

By improving energy efficiency, insulation invariably leads to substantial cost savings. As your home retains heat more effectively in winter and stays cooler in summer, your heating and cooling bills will decrease, and the savings over time can be substantial.

Increased Comfort

An insulated home is a comfortable home. Insulation helps to maintain a consistent temperature throughout your house, eliminating cold drafts and overheated spaces. With spray foam insulation, you’re assured of complete coverage, eliminating air leakage points that might otherwise lead to discomfort.

Noise Reduction

Insulation isn’t just for heat – it also has soundproofing benefits. It helps to reduce the amount of noise that can enter your home from the outside, as well as limit the transfer of noise from room to room. If you’re living in a noisy neighbourhood or simply value your quiet, insulation can be a real boon.

Moisture Control

By sealing your home, insulation helps to keep moisture out. This is particularly relevant when it comes to spray foam insulation, which expands to fill every gap and can thus create an excellent moisture barrier. It reduces the risk of mould and mildew, which are not just unpleasant but can also cause serious health problems.

Enhanced Resale Value

Energy-efficient homes are increasingly in demand. Having a well-insulated house can increase your property’s value and make it more attractive to potential buyers, should you ever decide to sell.

Environmental Impact

By reducing the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your home, you’re reducing your carbon footprint. This is an important step towards combatting climate change and protecting our planet for future generations.

Proper insulation provides significant benefits for new builds. It’s a worthwhile investment that pays for itself over time in cost savings, increased comfort, and environmental responsibility. And of all the insulation options available, spray foam is widely recognised as one of the best, thanks to its superior insulating properties and versatility.

Best Insulation for New Builds

When it comes to insulating new builds, homeowners are faced with a plethora of options. The choice of insulation material can influence the property’s energy efficiency, comfort, resale value, and even environmental impact. While there are several insulation options available, spray foam insulation has increasingly become the preferred choice for many, especially in the context of new builds. Let’s explore why and how it compares with other popular insulation materials.

Fibreglass Insulation


  • Cost-effective: Fibreglass is generally less expensive upfront compared to spray foam.
  • Non-flammable: It’s made from fine glass fibres, making it naturally non-combustible.


  • Potential Gaps: Fibreglass batts may not fit snugly in all spaces, leading to potential gaps and reduced efficiency.
  • Irritant: The glass fibres can be an irritant to skin and lungs if not handled properly.

Mineral Wool Insulation


  • Fire Resistance: Made from rocks and steel slags, it is naturally fire-resistant.
  • Thermal Properties: Provides good thermal insulation.


  • Density: Can settle over time, potentially reducing its effectiveness.
  • Moisture: Doesn’t repel water as effectively as spray foam.

Cellulose Insulation


  • Eco-friendly: Made from recycled paper products.
  • Affordable: Generally less expensive than spray foam.


  • Moisture Concerns: Can absorb moisture, which might lead to mould issues.
  • Settling: Over time, it can settle, decreasing its R-value (insulating capability).

Rigid Foam Insulation


  • High R-value: Offers good thermal resistance.
  • Moisture Resistance: Resistant to water damage.


  • Flexibility: Less versatile in terms of fitting into varied spaces.

While all insulation types have their own sets of pros and cons, for new builds, spray foam insulation stands out due to its ability to offer superior coverage, energy efficiency, and moisture resistance. When assessing the “best” insulation for new builds, it’s important to consider not only the initial costs but the long-term savings, the lifespan of the insulation, and additional benefits like soundproofing and moisture protection. Spray Foam Tech champions the benefits of spray foam insulation, recognizing its unparalleled performance, especially in the context of new build properties in the UK.

Spray Foam Insulation


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Unlike traditional insulations that may leave gaps, spray foam can expand up to 100 times its original size, ensuring every nook and cranny is sealed.
  • Superior Energy Efficiency: As previously mentioned, spray foam insulation can offer up to 50% greater energy savings compared to other insulation products.
  • Moisture Barrier: Apart from insulating properties, spray foam acts as an excellent moisture barrier, reducing risks associated with mould and mildew.
  • Soundproofing: Spray foam insulation provides superior soundproofing benefits, reducing noise from both external sources and between rooms.
  • Durability: Spray foam insulation tends to have a longer lifespan and doesn’t sag or deteriorate as quickly as some other forms of insulation.


  • Initial Cost: The upfront cost of spray foam insulation can be higher than traditional insulation methods.
  • Application Process: Proper installation requires professionals, and the process can be more involved than other insulation types.

Spray Foam Insulation for New Builds

In the construction of new homes, achieving optimal energy efficiency and comfort is of utmost importance. As homeowners become more environmentally conscious and aware of the long-term savings that come from energy-efficient practices, the demand for superior insulation solutions grows.

Enter spray foam insulation, a solution that has transformed the insulation market and revolutionised the way we insulate new builds. Let’s delve deeper into why spray foam insulation is making waves in the new build sector.

Spray Foam Insulation for New Builds

Spray foam insulation is a two-component mixture composed of isocyanate and polyol resin. When these components combine, they react and expand on contact, creating foam. This foam can expand up to 100 times its original size, filling all cavities, gaps, and voids in a building’s structure

Why Choose Spray Foam for New Builds?

  • Complete Coverage: Traditional insulation methods can leave gaps, but spray foam’s expansive nature ensures every corner, nook, and crevice is covered. This comprehensive sealing is especially crucial in new builds to maximise energy efficiency from the start.
  • High Energy Efficiency: Homes insulated with spray foam can reap significant energy savings. By sealing all possible leak points, it minimises the energy needed for heating and cooling, often leading to reduced energy bills.
  • Longevity: Spray foam’s durable nature means it doesn’t sag or deteriorate over time like other insulations. This longevity ensures that new builds remain energy-efficient for years to come.
  • Soundproofing Capabilities: New homeowners often desire homes that offer peace and quiet. Spray foam insulation provides excellent soundproofing, diminishing noises from external sources and between internal rooms.
  • Moisture & Air Barrier: Spray foam doesn’t just insulate; it also creates a barrier against moisture and air infiltration. This barrier helps prevent mould growth and enhances indoor air quality.

Spray Foam Types Suitable for New Builds

  • Open-Cell Foam: Softer and more flexible, open-cell foam is excellent for soundproofing. It’s less dense, making it more permeable to moisture, but it offers excellent insulating properties.
  • Closed-Cell Foam: Denser and more rigid, closed-cell foam has a higher insulating value per inch and acts as an excellent moisture barrier. It also adds structural strength.

Integration with Modern Building Practices

New build homes often incorporate advanced architectural designs and require insulation that can adapt to these unique structures. Spray foam’s flexibility makes it an ideal fit for contemporary building practices. It seamlessly integrates with modern HVAC systems, ensuring consistent indoor temperatures and optimal energy efficiency.

Environmental Impact

Beyond its insulating capabilities, spray foam is also revered for its eco-friendliness. By dramatically reducing the energy needs of a new build, it contributes to a smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, its long lifespan means fewer replacements and reduced waste.

For those constructing a new build in the UK, choosing the right insulation is paramount. Spray Foam Tech understands the unique requirements of new builds and champions the adoption of spray foam insulation. Not only does it promise superior energy efficiency and comfort but also aligns with the green and sustainable building trends that are shaping the future of construction. As a testament to its effectiveness, spray foam insulation is not just a product; it’s an investment in the future of a home.

How Much Does it Cost to Insulate a New Build?

Insulating a new build is one of the most significant investments a homeowner can make to ensure a comfortable, energy-efficient living environment. While the cost of insulation can vary based on several factors, it’s important to consider the long-term savings and benefits it provides. This section will shed light on the costs associated with insulating a new build, particularly focusing on spray foam insulation.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several elements play a role in determining the cost of insulating a new build:

  • Size of the Property: Naturally, larger homes require more insulation material, thus increasing the cost. The surface area of walls, roof, and floors to be insulated will directly influence the price.
  • Type of Insulation: Different insulation materials come at different price points. Traditional options like fibreglass or cellulose might initially seem cheaper, but their lifespan and effectiveness can be considerably lower than more modern solutions such as spray foam.
  • Building Condition & Design: Unique architectural designs or specific requirements can influence the complexity of the insulation process, affecting the cost. Moreover, aspects such as ventilation and moisture barriers might come into play, incurring additional charges.
  • Location & Accessibility: Hard-to-reach areas might demand more labour or specialised equipment. Moreover, the property’s geographical location can also influence costs due to varying labour rates and material availability.
  • Environmental Considerations: Insulation materials with a lower environmental footprint, though potentially costlier upfront, might be more beneficial in the long run in terms of energy savings and environmental impact.

When considering spray foam insulation, homeowners often find it to be a cost-effective solution in the long run. While the initial investment might be higher than some traditional insulations, its benefits can quickly offset this.

  • Energy Savings: Spray foam insulation can deliver up to 50% greater energy savings compared to other insulation products. Over the years, this could translate to a considerable reduction in energy bills.
  • Durability: With a longer lifespan and minimal maintenance needs, spray foam insulation doesn’t require frequent replacement or top-ups. This longevity can save homeowners money over time.

Getting an Accurate Quote

While it’s tempting to look for a ballpark figure, it’s crucial to understand that every new build is unique. Spray foam insulation costs vary depending on the factors mentioned above. The best way to get an accurate estimate tailored to your new build is to arrange a pre-installation survey with a qualified installer. Such assessments can give homeowners a clear picture of the investment required, considering both material and labour costs.

At Spray Foam Tech, we understand the intricacies of new build insulations. Before giving an estimate, we always recommend arranging a comprehensive pre-installation survey to assess the area that needs insulation and to ensure you receive an accurate and tailored quote. To arrange one with our experienced team, get in touch today.


While it’s tempting to look for a ballpark figure, it’s crucial to understand that every new build is unique. Spray foam insulation costs vary depending on the factors mentioned above. The best way to get an accurate estimate tailored to your new build is to arrange a pre-installation survey with a qualified installer. Such assessments can give homeowners a clear picture of the investment required, considering both material and labour costs.

At Spray Foam Tech, we understand the intricacies of new build insulations. Before giving an estimate, we always recommend arranging a comprehensive pre-installation survey to assess the area that needs insulation and to ensure you receive an accurate and tailored quote. To arrange one with our experienced team, get in touch today.

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